Voting: Rights and Responsibilities

Ready to vote


In this three-part lesson students use primary sources to explore voting rights in the United States. In Part I, students analyze two sets of documents to gain a deeper understanding of how suffrage has been both expanded and suppressed, developing claims about how voting rights impact equality. In Part II, students further analyze one of the documents from Day One before taking on the role of a congressional committee charged with amending (or not) the Voting Rights Act to require compulsory voting. In Part III, students write their answer to the Essential Question, informed by class discussion and primary source analysis.

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High School


Civics, Social Studies


80-100 minutes


compulsory voting, congress, equality, legislation, poll tax, responsibilities, role play, suffrage, voting, voting rights, voting rights act, voting rights reauthorization act, woman suffrage


Citizen U CRF

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