Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer

Pair the picture book, Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer, with primary sources to deepen student understanding of Jim Crow laws and the struggle for civil rights, in general, and voting rights, in particular. After, students can investigate current voting laws in their state.
Related Resources
Voice of Freedom
TPS Teachers Network album -
This Little Light of Mine: The Legacy of Fannie Lou Hamer
documentary video short -
H.Res.206 - Honoring the life, legacy, and contributions of Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer on the 30th anniversary of her death for her dedication to freedom and justice
110th Congress -
H.R.9 - Fannie Lou Hamer, Rxosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006
109th Congress -
Fannie Lou Hamer and the Civil Rights Movement in Rural Mississippi
DPLA primary source set -
State Voting Requirements & Information
Civics, English Language Arts
40-60 minutes
african americans, civil rights, Fannie Lou Hamer, Jim Crow laws, picture books, voter registration, voting, voting rights
Tom Bober