Speaking Out: Four Freedoms Then and Now

Students analyze a part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech and use primary sources from the Library of Congress to gain historical context. Next, students explore sources from the Library to draw conclusions about the impact of the speech on American culture at the time. Students then write their own “Four Freedoms” speech, outlining four freedoms they believe Americans should keep front-of-mind today.
Related Resources
Enduring Ideals: Rockwell, Roosevelt & the Four Freedoms
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Reimagining Norman Rockwell’s America
New York Times Nov. 8, 2018 -
Today in History: The Bill of Rights
background & primary sources
High School
Civics, Social Studies
40-80 minutes
bill of rights, expression, FDR, fear, four freedoms, Franklin D. Roosevelt, freedoms, norman rockwell, rights, speech, want, worship
Citizen U CRF