The Scientific Method, School Shootings, and Civic Action

Students make connections between scientific method of thinking and the rights of the American democracy established by the Constitution regarding civic action. Integrating scientific thinking with civic content, students experience the connection between methods of scientific analysis and civic action. Next, students examine the history of school safety in this country, school related violence and death, and legislative efforts to improve school safety. Students then generate questions, draw conclusions and develop their own plan to use data for civic action.
Related Resources
H.R.5731 - Securing Our Schools Act
115th Congress (2017-2018) -
The School Shootings of 2018: What's Behind the Numbers
Education Week December 19, 2018 -
Safe Schools for All: An Album of Hope & Action
primary source set -
Primary Source Spotlight: Second Amendment & Gun Control
Views of guns and gun violence
Pew Research June 22, 2017 -
Science & Technology Resources
Lesson plans, activities, primary source sets
Middle School
Civics, Science
60 minutes
civic action, school safety, school shootings, school violence, scientific method
Citizen U DePaul