Civic Actions to Impact the Future

Students make connections between the past, present, and future of the environment through their own imaginings, analysis of a primary source image, and the poem “Letter to Someone Living Fifty Years from Now” by Matthew Olzmann. After, students might assess waste or pollution in their school or local community, then consider actions they could take today to help positively impact the future by promoting environmentally friendly policies and/or programs.
Related Resources
Today in History: Earth Day
background information & primary sources -
Academy of American Poet Lessons on Citizen U
Primary Source Learning: Poets & Poetry
Primary Source Spotlight: Poetry
High School, Middle School
Civics, English Language Arts, Science
100-120 minutes
civic action, conservation, Earth Day, environment, environmental policies, environmental programs, future, letter, Matthew Olzmann, past, political cartoon, pollution, present, recycling, reuse, waste
Academy of American Poets