Freedom of the Press, Censorship, and Sedition

Students explore freedom of the press as they examine sources related to government censorship of the press. After reviewing the First Amendment and the Sedition Act of 1798, students examine a political cartoon to discuss the relevance of freedom of the press over time. Finally, students design and create their own poster promoting freedom of the press today.
Related Resources
The Historical Interpretation of Unabridged Freedom of Speech
book chapter -
Freedom of the Press Foundation
website -
On the Freedom of the Press
poem by Benjamin Franklin -
Women Come to the Front: Journalists, Photographers and Broadcasters of World War II
online exhibition -
Collection Spotlight: Women Photojournalists
Collection Spotlight: National Press Club Luncheon Speeches 1954-1989
Middle School
Civics, Social Studies
80-100 minutes
censorship, first amendment, free press, freedom of the press, sedition, Sedition Act 1798
Citizen U CRF