Lesson Plans

Economics of Slavery, the Cotton Industry, and the Panic of 1837

Students analyze primary sources to investigate how market forces impacted the supply and demand for cotton in the early 1800s, the relation of the cotton industry to slavery and the economic and political factors that contributed to the Panic of 1837. Next, students summarize the learning in the form of an essay or poster. After, they identify a current issue where a group is exploited for the gain of others and create an action list to increase awareness of this issue.

LEARN MORE about Economics of Slavery, the Cotton Industry, and the Panic of 1837

Did Charles Sumner Deserve It?

Students analyze primary sources to learn about one particular event in U.S. history in order to consider more broadly actions taken against slavery. After, students brainstorm alternative actions that might have been taken and use these as a springboard to researching a current event with starkly competing views and determining the cause of those supporting views.

LEARN MORE about Did Charles Sumner Deserve It?

African American Monument

Students review scenes from African American history through analysis of a poster created as a type of monument. After, students create a brief sketch and a write caption for a scene from recent times and explain why they feel the scene is an important addition to the poster.

LEARN MORE about African American Monument

The Declaration of Independence: Created Equal?

Through discussion and primary source analysis, students investigate Thomas Jefferson's efforts to deal with the complex issues of equality and slavery in the Declaration of Independence. After, students rewrite the Declaration of Independence (or portions of it) to fit a contemporary society and may also stage a mock trial with the students playing the roles of Jefferson and others and Library of Congress primary sources serving as evidence.

LEARN MORE about The Declaration of Independence: Created Equal?

Tree of Liberty

Students compare and contrast perspectives of the economics of slavery and free industry in the mid 19th century, then consider issues they might include under a tree of liberty for modern times.

LEARN MORE about Tree of Liberty

Illustrating America

Students explore the stories we tell when illustrating America through primary source analysis, reflection, and creation.

LEARN MORE about Illustrating America



